Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Good News. And Not So Good.

Great news today. Brookfield Assets Management (BAM) reported a good quarter. Beating estimates by a penny. Not much, but stock jumped more than 2 dollars today (more than 7%)! One more proof that Jim Cramer, at times, is a great contrarian, which I mentioned here and here.

Not so good news yesterday. (TSCM) reported a lousy quarter and now trades at 52 week low. So my portfolio took a heat yesterday an recovered today. I wish less of former and more of latter, but c'est la vie.

I still think that BAM is a great company. Little less diversified and little more depended on commodities than I like, but it sure has teffiric management. As for Cramer's child (TSCM), let's see how it handles advertising slowdown. Looks like site redesign isn't helping as well, so there is a lot to think about. Of course, I'm already loaded on Google, and TSCM is another ad depended business. May be it's a good idea to get rid of it. Or maybe I'll swap to Yahoo! (back to basics?) if Microhoo deal doesn't work. Yahoo! should be a great buy under 16.

Full disclosure: at the time of publication author had long positions in BAM, GOOG and TSCM. Author didn't have any positions in YHOO. Positions can change at any time.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended as an investment advice. Every person should make her/his own investment decisions based on all available information and advice from her/his own financial advisor.

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