Friday, March 7, 2014

I Am Ashamed To Be Russian

I don't write here on political matters. But, the situation is way too dire.

For the first time in my life I am ashamed to be Russian. When USSR entered Afghanistan, I was young and poisoned by Soviet propaganda. Later, I was happy when USSR fell apart. I thought that I could live in free Russia. By 1994 I found out that people of Russia don't want to be free and responsible for themselves. Now I live in USA, I am US citizen, proud of my new country and relatives are the only link to my former country. But now Russia invaded Ukraine. This is war. It doesn't matter that nobody died yet. Naval blockade, occupation of Crimea and its almost certain annexation are acts of war. And it doesn't look like the end. Russian military already probed approaches to Ukraine borders in the North (shortest way to Kiev). They retreated, when found out that Ukraine military are ready to meet them. Will they retreat next time?

I know a lot of people in Ukraine. My heart is with them. I wish them all the luck, they need it.

Ukraine sovereignty was guaranteed by US, UK and Russia in 1994 (Budapest agreement). Looks like this was just a piece of useless paper. US and UK don't want to defend Ukraine in any meaningful way and Russia is an aggressor. According to Budapest agreement, Ukraine surrendered all nuclear weapons on its territory to Russia. I don't think they are happy about it now. The lesson is clear.

If Putin is not stopped now, Baltic countries will be next. This looks like beginning of World War III.

My heart is with Ukraine.

Слава Україні! Героям слава!

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